Goodbye, Pulp! You Will Be Missed!

I went to interview the manager of Pulp about the store's very sad closing, and then went on a bit of a card-buying bender. 


Employees told me other people had bought more. What can I say? I love cards and this was my last chance at Pulp and everything was 40% off. They always had the coolest assortment, and the best window-shopping experience too. It's a shop that seemed very cosmopolitan to me when I first moved to D.C., after growing up as a NOVA suburban kid. This is what city shopping is supposed to be like, I thought. This is it. 

Now I need to be ok with putting these cards in the mail and letting them go. Life is change, and Meryl from Pulp had a good outlook on it: "It's ok that it comes to an end. It's difficult and it's sad and you kind of wish it didn't have to be that way, but it does."

Tunes Tuesday, "Nightlight," Dungeonesse

Once again, I love end-of-the-year lists. I read that the singer from Wye Oak had a quasi-R&B side project and I thought this is something I need to listen to now. 

Dungeonesse 'Dungeonesse' out now on Secretly Canadian Amazon // iTunes // Indies Directed by Ariana Natale Dungeonesse Artist Page Facebook Twitter Dungeonesse - "Nightlight" from 'Dungeonesse' out now on Secretly Canadian

This one is on repeat. The background is pure 80s, but her vocals give it some gravitas, don't you think? There's a wistfulness to this track that stops it from totally floating away.

The Gosh Gee Golly Bests of The Year

Best-of-the-year list time is my favorite time of year, so if only for posterity, I am writing one for my own blog. Here it is: 

Book: I couldn't put down Detroit: An American Autopsy. You'll shake your head in disbelief just about every page. Charlie LeDuff doesn't pull any punches, even when he's writing about his own disfunction. What will happen to Detroit? How will this story end? I also was surprised that Bourdain pretty much rehashed the book in his Detroit Parts Unknown episode, but at least LeDuff was along for the ride.

Honorable mentions:  The Interestings, The Light Between Oceans, David and Goliath, Beautiful Ruins

Music: I felt kind of behind on new music this year, so I am going with what I know. Sorry haters, Vampire Weekend is a crowd-pleaser for a reason. Their latest, Modern Vampires of the City, seemed heart-felt. I played "Step" about a million time, but that's not my favorite moment. That has to be the spoken word lyrics on "Finger Back" that goes: "Should she have averted her eyes and just stared at the laminated poster of the Dome of the Rock?" This is just the best for some reason I can not articulate.

Honorable mentions: Tegan & Sara's Hearthrob, Lord Huron's Lonesome Dreams, Thao & The Getdown Staydown's We The Common, Jessie Ware's Devotion and for single, Wale's Bad, not the Rihanna version.

Concert: This is cheating, but Coachella. I can't believe we went. I wrote here about all of our adventures, including falling in love with Father John Misty and nearly getting squished by a giant snail.

Politicians: Our leaders continued to let us down this year at nearly every turn, so I am turning to Canada for some dark comic relief. Put aside Rob Ford's crack scandal for a moment, and let's just focus on his pratfalls. Running into a camera, inexplicably collapsing when attempting to throw a football, dropping candy just out of reach of children at a parade — here's one person who actually does need a reality show.  

Blog: The universe!

Fashion: I like that the Topshop section at Nordstrom Pentagon City exists, that the Brooklyn Flea made it to Washington, and I thought that Thread at Union Market was ambitious, lovely, and unlike anything in D.C. 

Personal: I left Mount Pleasant and moved in with Joe to a groovy little (emphasis on little) apartment on H Street. I loved living in Mount Pleasant with the best roommate ever, but I was excited for Joe and I to start a home together. I counted down the months from January until July. We fell in love with our place and the neighborhood, from Hunted House to Boundary Road.

After three years and some change of growing my hair out, I pulled a Miley and chopped it all off. I think my hair likes being short. Don't know if the world likes it, but who cares.

I took barre classes and yoga classes and tennis classes and quit my gym.

I've challenged 10 bartenders in D.C. to make cocktails on the spot with crazy ingredients like quail eggs, Four Loko, and marmite for my WCP column Remixology (!) and I've been so amazed at the results from these creative folks. So impressive and unflappable.

I still need to pinch myself about Racked DC, I can't believe it. It's been amazing and I can't wait to hit the ground running in 2014. I made some tough decisions over the past two years, knuckled down and did work, got some very lucky breaks, and help from folks around me, and maybe that's the secret, huh? Just stick around and keep plugging away.

Tunes Tuesday, "The Rat," The Walkmen

We went to see The Walkmen this weekend at Union Market, and that outdoor space is a very cool spot to catch a concert. I hope they book more bands there this summer, it would be an intimate little outdoor venue.

Anyway, I forgot how much I enjoy "The Rat," a track that is truly dripping with attitude. Maybe it's just really fun to snarl sing, "You've gotta nerve to be asking a favor/ You've gotta nerve to be calling my number." They're on the verge of breaking up, but let's keep this one going for sure.  PS: This song made #49 on Rolling Stone's 100 best songs of the 2000s.

You've got a nerve to be asking a favor You've got a nerve to be calling my number I know we've been through this before Can't you hear me, I'm calling out your name? Can't you see me, I'm pounding on your door?

There Will Be Blood

Just stop reading if you are sensitive to ER stories. Stop right now. 


OK, now that the squeamish have left, I can tell my severed pinkie story. It's not that bad, I swear. In September, I was trying to make this Ratatouille dish and it called for a mandolin slicer. I asked for one from my parents for Christmas last year and it was still brand new in the box. This would be a great time to use the slicer, right? 

Joe helped me put it together and he said, watch out, it's sharp. Yeah, got it, I said. Five minutes later, I had cut myself. And this is within 10 minutes of taking it out of the box for the first time. I realized I cut myself, and when I looked down, I just thought, oh no. This is not a problem I can handle on my own. I needed to go to the ER, because I had sliced the corner of my right pinkie clean off. 

Joe sprung into action and I grabbed an entire roll of paper towels and we got into the car. There's a clinic down the street from our house right near Union Kitchen, but it was closed. They were throwing a party in the Union Kitchen parking lot, wonder if I was a buzzkill as I got out of car while carrying bloody paper towels and scream-crying. 

I wasn't brave about it at all, lots of wailing and crying. It wasn't even that it hurt, although it definitely didn't feel great. I think it was the shock of it all. I realized I had stupidly done something that I couldn't undo. And all it took was one misplaced second and I would have a horrible, scarred, weird-looking pinkie finger forever. 

Or at least that's what I thought. The clinic was closed, so then we had to drive to Washington Hospital Center. And I couldn't have had a better experience there! Perhaps you do get better service when you are bleeding everywhere, though. The nurse was terrifically nice and put me at ease. "At least we know that you didn't cut off more than 1/8th of an inch," Joe joked. That was the setting of the mandolin.

The doctor, however, didn't  have the best bedside manner. He saw me for less than five minutes, and said there was nothing to stitch. "Doctor, I think she just wants to hear you say that she won't be deformed," Joe said. The doctor refused to say that, however. He didn't have much interest in putting me at ease, haha.

So I got a tetanus shot and went home with bandages. Later that month I got the bill. It floored me: $1500 for a thing of bandages, five minutes with a doctor, 15 minutes with a nurse, and a tetanus shot. Somehow, my crappy, non-compliant-with-Obamacare health insurance paid for the entire thing!!!

This is a huge miracle. I love my crappy healthcare, Obama can pry it out of my hands. But the biggest issue I have is why did this cost $1500 in the first place? I did not get $1500 worth of care, and I can't imagine what an actual problem would cost. But what else could I have done? It makes me never want to go to the hospital or the doctor, and I have an individual insurance plan. I don't think we are talking enough about the inflated cost of healthcare. 

So Joe was so sweet to me. He helped take care of me, and he even went in the apartment and THIS IS GROSS, but he threw the sliver of my finger away. I was too afraid to go back in the apartment. This event was a little traumatizing.

It's been a month, and I've re-learned to type with all 10 fingers, and it has healed completely. You wouldn't even know anything had happen unless you look carefully. My pinkie is numb there though, I think I don't have a fingerprint as well. Now should I throw the slicer away or what? I did go on Amazon to buy stainless steel gloves, I never want to cut myself while cooking again!

Apartment Progress: The Closet Is The Only Finished Room

Hello! So we moved into our apartment in July and I absolutely love it. I've been making "improvements" lately. You be the judge if they are actually improvements. Or if it looks like a demented emo preteen stole Mom's credit card.

For some reason, I am mainly focusing on the closet area. It seems more manageable. And the stakes are lower than the living room. The rest of the apartment is unchanged. Here's what I've done so far, and perhaps that is enough.


I've loved Keith Haring since high school, and I've always wanted to use wall decals. Better use wall decals before I turn 30, I thought. Thus, I bring you my closet door. Cartoon dogs, I love it! I got the idea of somehow decorating the closet door from the Dos Family house tour in Design Sponge. Their space is the coolest! This is pretty crazy, but not as crazy as their jumping tiger-emblazoned pocket door. 

I bought Blik's decals and they were pretty easy to apply. If you screw up, it can be remedied. But read the instructions first. Not sure why I didn't do that. The videos are a good place to start. 

I emailed a pic to my friend Debie and she wrote: "Your new closet is crazy but I love it!!!  The top two dogs are barking at each other but the third row of dogs look like they're barking at a common enemy." 

So I put the dogs up while Joe was out of town for the weekend. I wish I could've seen his face when he saw it, but i was behind him. "Oh my God," he said. "Are there more?" Haha, no that's it. They are confined to the closet. 



I bought some basic, burlap-inspired Bed, Bath & Beyond curtains to shield our messy closets from prying eyes, and I went on a bender at the Container Store. Would you believe I carried all these boxes (and more) home on the Metro?


The Frida Kahlo poster from my last apartment is now in the bathroom, and I bought some Jonathan Adler hand towels. I really want a headboard, but channeled that energy into $$ bath towels instead. They had cute little hooks, and I was sold.

Joe said, "Those look like some towels a baby would throw up on." Me: blank stare. I recently showed him a fancy new blinged-out forest green peplum top I bought, and he said, "That looks like a really nice Christmas sweater," which threw me into a fit of despair. But, he was not wrong about the sweater.

I will have the last laugh though, because in case you haven't noticed, everything I've been buying is pink. Poor Joe. I ended up getting the amazing floral sheets I picked out for Racked! They totally match an existing dress I have, to the extent that I'd say one of these companies might have a lawsuit on their hands. 


Will keep you updated should I move out of the closet in my decorating efforts. xoxox