On Repeat

A couple weeks ago, I listened to the same song from 7:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. There were a few interruptions, but that's a good four hours.

Excessive, I know. I've written about this before, but when I fall in love with a song, I can't just wait to hear it again. And when I'm at work, sometimes it's just easier to keep clicking play on Youtube for a song that I know I like. Plus, it's a longer song - 5:26. Totally justified.

I told my friends Emily and Andy about this.

Me: "Is that normal?"

Emily and Andy: "No."

Emily: "What is the play count for your most played song in iTunes?"

Me: "60 or so. What's yours?"

Emily: "Probably eight."

Me: "If I play a song 30 times, it won't even crack the 25 Most Played."

(This is what I was listening to for four hours, in case you were wondering. When I went to see them at Merriweather, the singer, Régine Chassagne, danced around with streamers during this song. So fitting.)